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A person of the people
with a voice
for the people.


Thank you to the citizens of Kerrville, Texas for giving me the privilege and honor of serving you for two terms as your mayor.

Open and transparent dialogue strenghtens the relationship between community members

Staying Connected

I will continue to take a stance on issues important to our community and promote honesty and truth.

I do not communicate via instagram, facebook or linkedin

Send me an email by clicking here

Jack believes in upholding strong pro-family values, is pro-life, supports religious liberty, believes in marriage between one man and one woman, strongly supports change of our education system, is a gun owner and supports the second amendment, supports privacy protections and immigration reform where immigration is a privilege and not a right.

Jack is concerned with the direction of our Republican Party and our country. It is his conservative values and leadership challenge, that drives him to effectively support President Trump’s agenda.

Christian  ♦   Conservative  ♦   Gun owner
Less Government   ♦   No Nonsense  ♦  Pragmatic
Pro Life  ♦   Religious Liberty  ♦  Republican
Strong Leadership   
Veteran   ♦   Visionary






Business Leader


Executive Coach

Civic Leader

Internationally Acclaimed Keynote Speaker

Seminar Leader

Executive Coach

Management & Leadership Consultant


Specializing in:

Developing Leaders and Leadership,

Building Profits in ANY Economy


Leadership Training and Development

Management Training and Development

Supervisor Training and Development

Executive Coaching

Emotional Intelligence

Organizational Development

Hiring, Training, and Supervision

Jack's speeches and workshops are completely different.

He specializes in simple, fast, specific, easy to use solutions for complex problems, whatever the topic, as verified by raving testimonials from all over the world.

Unusually Diverse 45-Year Career

He has the hands on practical business experience of working with and managing at all the various managerial levels within an organization, focusing on results, creating enthusiasm, leading and managing change along the way. He combines real world business management and passion for leadership with speaking, training, consulting, and teaching in many different industries around the globe.