Federal Government needs to stop automatic birth right
citizenship to children born in the US whose parents are in the US illegal or are on work permits, student visas, etc.
The Supreme Court Declared America a Christian Nation on February 29, 1892
Why I will vote for
President Trump
To answer all of those of you
who would say, “I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”
I'm not just voting for him.
I'm voting against socialism. I'm voting for the 2nd amendment.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice. I'm voting for
the Electoral College and the Constitutional Republic we live
in. I'm voting for the police and law and order, I'm voting for
the military and the veterans who fought and died for this
country. I'm voting for the flag that I love. I'm voting for the
right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I'm voting for
secure borders. I'm voting for the right to praise my God
without fear. I'm voting for every unborn soul the Democrats
want to murder. I'm voting for liberty, freedom and the American
dream. I'm voting for good against evil.
not just voting for one person I'm voting for the future of my country!
if you disagree with a point or two, it is the overall effect that still reverberates. If you would trade all of it for the
sake of an issue, then the disaster of four more years of incompetent (or deliberate mismanagement) of major issues is on
you as our country fades into something unrecognizable by the generations who came before.
Let's make our voices heard loud and

"America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant.
America needs to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires while being public servants"

Some say that America has
always been great. I disagree.
When I returned from Vietnam, I was spit on, just because I served our nation with honor and others gave their
lives (gave all) so that the spitters had the freedom to do so. Not a great time in America.
America gave up on a mission to fight communism in Southeast Asia. Many gave their lives and others their limbs, and still others their dignity.
America gave in just when the North Vietnamese were about to surrender. Not a great time in America.
Discipline of our children in both the schools and at home
has been removed from a Great America. Students fight teachers
and administrators, parents do nothing. Parents refuse to accept responsibility and everyone else
is to blame. Not a great time in America.
A majority of our society silently sat and allowed Prayer to be removed from schools and other public places. Our value system was downgraded,
crime increased, divorce rate increased, neighbors were ignored, and no one held each other accountable. Not a great time in America.
It became not politically correct to say the words Christian or Christmas. Not a great time in America.
That grand old flag. What a beauty she is when she waves. Animals were allowed to set her on fire in the middle of American streets and went unpunished. The Pledge
of Allegiance was stripped from our schools. Not a great time in America. We kneel for God and stand for the Grand Old Flag.
The use of harmful, illegal Drugs became the norm, addiction became rampant and people died from over doses. Drug cartels were not challenged and flourished.
Not a great time in America.
Terrorism hit American soil. Thousands died in just one day. Not a great time in America.
Kids received trophies for participating, but not winning. Competition became a dirty word. Not a great time in America
Our universities were filled with both foreign faculty and students who came to America to study and destroy our American way of life.
Not a great time in America.
Corruption within leadership of many US branches of Government. Judges making legislative decisions, legislative branch being bought by lobbyists, and executive
branch failing America within the FBI and Department of Justice. Not a great time in America.
US jobs were transferred outside of America’s economy causing unemployment to rise and more and more US citizens became dependent on the US Government.
Not a great time in America.
A US President went around the globe apologizing for America’s actions and deeds. Not a great time in America.
Attempts to remove America’s history went unchallenged when Historical statues were removed from public places, just because a few were offended. Not a
great time in America.
Our borders have gone unprotected from illegal migration of people, drugs, and sex trafficing. Not a great time in America.
So, yes, it is very appropriate to say, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision